"Fabulas Panicas (Panic Fables)": comics written and drawn by Alexandro Jodorowsky ('67-'68)


On his return to Mexico in the late-’60s, Jodorowsky started writing and drawing a subversive weekly comic strip (”Panic 
Fables”) in the right-wing newspaper The Herald.

“For four or five years every Sunday I drew a comics page, a complete story,” he told me in 2003. “But it was very basic. When I saw [cartoonist and future Jodorowsky collaborator] Moebius making the drawings, I stopped. And I never make any more.”

Here are some sample pages via http://fabulaspanicas.blogspot.com/—go there to see larger jpgs…









Categories: COMICS, magick | Tags: , | 8 Comments

About Jay Babcock

I am an independent writer and editor based in Tucson, Arizona. In 2023: I publish an email newsletter called LANDLINE = https://jaybabcock.substack.com Previously: I co-founded and edited Arthur Magazine (2002-2008, 2012-13) and curated the three Arthur music festival events (Arthurfest, ArthurBall, and Arthur Nights) (2005-6). Prior to that I was a district office staffer for Congressman Henry A. Waxman, a DJ at Silver Lake pirate radio station KBLT, a copy editor at Larry Flynt Publications, an editor at Mean magazine, and a freelance journalist contributing work to LAWeekly, Mojo, Los Angeles Times, Washington Post, Vibe, Rap Pages, Grand Royal and many other print and online outlets. An extended piece I wrote on Fela Kuti was selected for the Da Capo Best Music Writing 2000 anthology. In 2006, I was somehow listed in the Music section of Los Angeles Magazine's annual "Power" issue. In 2007-8, I produced a blog called "Nature Trumps," about the L.A. River. From 2010 to 2021, I lived in rural wilderness in Joshua Tree, Ca.

8 thoughts on “"Fabulas Panicas (Panic Fables)": comics written and drawn by Alexandro Jodorowsky ('67-'68)

  1. Pingback: Alexandro Jodorowsky’s weekly comic strip from the 60s, Fabulas Panicas (Panic Fables) | Technoccult

  2. Pingback: “In the center of the horror, 
of the civilization, there is the happiness to be alive.” —Jodorowsky (1999) - ARTHUR MAGAZINE – WE FOUND THE OTHERS

  3. I can’t believe that I never knew Jodorowsky had done these…or that they were so incredible. I am quite sad that his awe of Moebius’ work caused him to quit drawing, because I would love to know that there were fountains of material out there by him!

  4. when I was 14 or 15 years old, I was visiting a museum in Chile, because there was an exhibition of Moebious and Alejandro. Yo conocia las peliculas clandestinamente vistas en Chile, yo naci en 1974. Pues bien, mi sorpresa fue mayor cuando ellos, ambos, Alejandro y Moebious estaban en el Museo de Arte Contemporaneo en Santiago, solos, como todo museo estaba casi vacio. So, yo me acerque a saludarlos, ellos fueron inmensamente gentiles, Alejandro por supuesto mas, y yo les mostre mis dibujos y les dije (aunque Alejandro tenia que traducirle a Moebious mi chilenocastellano) -“QUIERO SER ARTISTA Y HACER COMICS Y ARTE”- y Alejandro comentandole a Moebious me contesta: “PERO SI YA ERES”. No me di cuenta de lo que medijo hasta muchas horas despues, aun estando muy feliz de haberlos conocido. Pero despues me di cuenta, ya era, solo tenia que sguir trabajando, haciendo lo que hago, saludos y gracias por estos dibujos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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